W1 |
Jan 25 |
Basic Combinatorics I (Sec 1.1-3) |
Jan 27 |
Basic Combinatorics II (Sec 1.4-6) |
Jan 29 |
Basic Combinatorics III (Sec 1.4-6) |
W2 |
Feb 1 |
Axioms of Probability I (Sec 2.2-3) |
Feb 3 |
Axioms of Probability II (Sec 2.4) |
Quiz 1 |
Feb 5 |
Sample spaces having equally likely (Sec 2.5) |
HW 1 |
W3 |
Feb 8 |
Conditional Probabilities (Sec 3.2) |
Feb 10 |
Bayes's Formula (Sec 3.3) |
Feb 12 |
Independent Events (Sec 3.4) |
HW 2 |
W4 |
Feb 15 |
Random Variables (Sec 4.1-2, 10) |
Quiz 2 |
Feb 17 |
No class |
Feb 19 |
Expectation (Sec 4.3, 4, 6) |
HW 3 |
W5 |
Feb 22 |
Variance (Sec 4.5) |
Feb 24 |
Bernoulli and Binomial RVs (Sec 4.6) |
Feb 26 |
Poisson RVs (Sec 4.7) |
HW 4 |
W6 |
Mar 1 |
Other discrete rvs (sec 4.8) |
Mar 3 |
Other discrete rvs (sec 4.8) |
quiz 3 |
Mar 5 |
Intro to continuous random variables (sec 5.1) |
hw 5 |
W7 |
Mar 8 |
Review |
Mar 10 |
Midterm 1 |
Mar 12 |
Expectation and variance of continuous rvs (sec 5.2) |
W8 |
Mar 15 |
The uniform random variable (sec 5.3) |
Mar 17 |
Normal random variables (sec 5.4-7) |
quiz 4 |
Mar 19 |
Exponential random variables (sec 5.4-7) |
hw 6 |
W9 |
Mar 22 |
Other random variables (sec 5.4-7) |
Mar 24 |
No class |
Mar 26 |
Joint distribution functions i (sec 6.1) |
hw 7 |
W10 |
Mar 29 |
Joint distribution functions ii (sec 6.1) |
Mar 31 |
Independent random variables (sec 6.2) |
quiz 5 |
Apr 2 |
Sums of independent random variables (sec 6.3) |
W11 |
Apr 5 |
Conditional distribution (sec 6.4-5) |
hw 8 |
Apr 7 |
Joint distribution of functions of rvs (sec 6.7) |
Apr 9 |
Expectation of functions of rvs (sec 7.2) |
W12 |
Apr 12 |
The number of events that occur (sec 7.3) |
hw 9 |
Apr 14 |
Covariance (sec 7.4) |
quiz 6 |
Apr 16 |
Conditional expectation (sec 7.5) |
W13 |
Apr 19 |
Review |
hw 10 |
Apr 21 |
Midterm 2 |
Apr 23 |
Moment generating functions (sec 7.7) |
W14 |
Apr 26 |
Markov's and chebyshev's inequalities (sec 8.2) |
Apr 28 |
Other inequalities (sec 8.5) |
quiz 7 |
Apr 30 |
The law of large numbers (sec 8.2, 4) |
W15 |
May 3 |
Central limit theorem (sec 8.3) |
May 5 |
Review |
hw 11 |
Final week |
May 7-12 |
Final take-home exam |
May 13-14 |
Final prairielearn exam |